Zowie in a Nutshell

I was privileged to be born in the City of Amsterdam studying graphic, interaction, industrial and experience design and traveling the world. I had a successful career in the creative industry and a design office (labolleur.com), creating tailor made brand experiences. Until I felt a hunger to search for the meaning for my life. What am I actually doing here? Who am I? This search is still ever evolving and continuously bringing me new experiences of life.

At some point I was asked to study the sacred plantmedicines as a aprentice. Being schooled in a traditional way. Step by step I released my former life. My curiosity and search for truth brought me to various teachers from the Andean Amazonian traditions and tribes. I have been studying the traditional rituals, songs, icaros, chants and plant dieting deep in the jungle for months and I have been vision questing for 4, 7, 9, and 13 days. Traveling with medicine men and women (from Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Mexico),  The last three years my main focus has been on studying the traditions of the Hunikuin, Katukina and Yawanawa.

The relationship I have build with myself, the plants and ancient rituals, together with the Sweatlodge became my main tools to assist people in their personal and spiritual growth.

With lightness, humor and presence, my mission is to inspire people to live their life in freedom and love.

My name Zowie In greek means inspirited life.


you can find the newest testimonials on hipsy:



I met Zowie on a number of occasions and levels. I met the man Zowie on my first plantmedicine retreat, a loving, joyfull, powerfull brother, who can guide firmly with a soft touch without getting heavy, seriously playful. I met Zowie during the travels, as a peaceful warrior, negotiating the planes of consciousness with steady hand, his voice a powerful beacon amids the waves. I met Zowie, the artist, the musician who played us a lullaby on his flute to go to sleep after a long days work, or who would guide our journey with drum and song, straight from the heart. I met Zowie, the caring brother, who would caress me as I layed my hurting body down in the darkness of the sweatlodge. Over the years I have seen him grow in power and wisdom, seen the sparkle in his eyes intensify as he honed his spirit on the path of the Sjaman. He has my love, respect and trust, looking forward to travel with you again. 


If someone asked me, "What is a good place for me to work on myself in combination with plant medicines?" My answer would be "At Zowie."

There is too much to write about the experiences I have had with him.  For me, Zowie is one of the people I can fully trust when it comes to working with plant medicines.

What the ceremonies have mainly brought to me are self-love, self-acceptance and connection with myself, which also made me more connected with the people around me who I love.  In all those years my body and feeling tried to tell me something that I hardly ever listened to.  By going deep, I came to those places that hurt the most and where at the same time I had the greatest opportunity for healing and love.

Zowie is a clear example to me of a passage I quote from Peter Levine's book "The Voice of Your Body": "The shaman is always first initiated in a profound confrontation with his own helplessness and the feeling of fragmentation.  Only then can he take on the role of healer. ”

By apprenticing to shamans in South America, who work with plant medicines from culture, and through his extensive experience, he sees you, understands you and points the way to becoming whole and balancing yourself.

You just need to follow yourself.


After a turbulent couple of years in which I was confronted with stage 4 cancer and a progressive type of muscular disease, a search for healing started. It didn’t take long for me to know healing wasn’t only to be found in regular care, instead I also followed my interest in the Shamanic Path. Watching documentaries, reading books, but not sure where to find my guide. At some point I found Zowie sitting on my porch. The way we came together was pure synchronicity.

His calm and trustworthy attitude made me feel at ease right away and took away my remaining scepticism. We are just at the beginning of our journey, but I have been lucky to have joined several of his powerful ceremonies. His raw shamanic style combined with a beautiful voice and empathetic capacity makes me feel I found my path. Healing in any way, Body Mind Spirit, regardless of the outcome. The shift is happening.

Thank you Zowie


I have met Zowie about 7 years ago and throughout time I have attended a few of his medicine ceremonies (if I would live in Holland I would for sure sit with him regularly). I trust him with the work he is doing 100%. My experience is that he is a great mirror and knows how to unlock greater perspectives, potential, - and at the same time - helps me to embrace what is at play within me without judgement. He brings a sense of humor, compassion (without the redundant sympathy) and ‘aliveness’ to his ceremonies. He enabled me to  witness my fears, defensive mechanisms and blockages with a certain stillness. He doesn’t need much words to open me up to what is true. I truly appreciate that. The answers can be found in the end in silence not by talking things endlessly through. I absolutely love the way how he approaches life and this path. He made me aware that healing is not necessarily about delving deep all the time, I heal by living, by finding balance in expansion and contraction, by reminding myself to stay open (whatever life brings me), by remembering and forgetting, by forgiving myself for “not knowing”, by having fun and not taking life (or better said myself) always so seriously. My life since I met Zowie has changed 180 degrees. I feel I am now living life as it is ‘supposed’ to be - by experiencing ALL of it, with wonder and appreciation, by moving (and I mean at times literally moving, shaking, embodying it) through the ups and the downs without making necessarily a distinction of what is good or not. I experience a greater sense of joy, beauty, and happiness. Thank you life, and Zowie for being a catalyst for this way of living. :)